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Disclaimer: Foxall did the captions to these NOT me. I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBLITITY for any offence etc, take it up with him if you're anoyed by it!!!!

Despite what it seems, this picture is not a Government propaganda picture displaying that ethnic minorities can and should be destroyed!!

This pictured has been edited, these group of women never appeared together in a has been doctored for political purposes

No matter how sweetly you sing to the clock, it is not going to slow time for you

Despite what you have been assured...Gnomes do exist, and they are coming to take revenge

The best singers in the world come from the Middle East (a genuine Al Jazera tv statistic)

25 years together...and for every night it was seperate beds!!!!

Piles are not amusing, they are potentially life threatening

Is this what some stupid cow fell deliberatley under a horse for....Hello Girls, the kitchen is to your right

This looks like a casual picture...But Robert is her pimp

Britain's Islamic community is adequatley represented at St Martins

Marsupialitis.....a sad condition, if she asks you to jump in her, run far away!!!

The sign behind them does not paint an accurate picture

I just found out that Communism doesn't work, Fidel told me, in a letter. Stop looking at my beard


What the F**K ? did this!!!

Entry to this country, and all it cost was a packet of Marlboro Light

Shoudn't be allowed....who am I smiling at (cos it's not you...whoever you are)

I'm sorry Chris, no matter how hard I try, my bread is not buttered that side

Smile and the whole world smiles with you.

It's not clever it's misinforming....don't you think bunny girls suffer enough persecution (you heartless bastard!!)

They didn't want to do it, can you see it...the fear in their eyes??


This is not the common room, it is nothing, it doesn't exist and neither do you!!!!

You may say that....I coudn't possibly comment

A good drinking trip, ends up with an unplanned weekend in Venice

Then on to some hell hole in South America (whose credit card is this...are those my feet ?)

If he doesn't object, neither should Society